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Wild Pigeon Meat is a great source of satisfying protein, which helps your body repair cells and make new ones. One breast per person is enough for a starter, and two make a reasonable main course.

Wild Pigeon meat is delicious and a rich source of beneficial minerals, particularly iron. This crucial mineral is essential for energy production and a robust immune system. We take great care in our preparation, but to ensure your safety, please chew gingerly at first: occasionally, a tiny pellet of lead shot may be buried in the meat.

Wild Pigeon Meat is deep red and has a great depth of flavor too. It's wonderful to serve with sauce or in pies and has a rich taste that's great on a cold winter's day. As with many wild species, pigeons should be eaten pink to enjoy the fullest flavor.

But fear not; you don't need to be a culinary expert to prepare Wild Pigeon. With a quick sear (just a minute on each side) and a brief rest, you'll have a soft, succulent boned breast with the fine grain of a prime steak. Thanks to the diverse diet of our wild pigeons (seeds, acorns, buds, berries, green crops), it boasts a complex, earthy, woodland taste.

The legs, cooked for 2-3 hours at a low temperature under a layer of olive oil or duck fat, make a deeply flavorsome confit that falls obligingly off the bone. The boned carcass, of course, makes fantastic stock.

Looking for Wild Pigeon Meat, Buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Purchase Wild Pigeon Meat, where can I buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Wild Pigeon Meat recipe, Wild Pigeon Meat recipes, Wild Pigeon Meat price, Wild Pigeon Meat near me, Wild Pigeon Meat in Florida, Wild Pigeon Meat in California?

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Wild Pigeon Meat is a great source of satisfying protein, which helps your body repair cells and make new ones. One breast per person is enough for a starter, and two make a reasonable main course. Yes, our Wild Pigeons are BIG. Wild Pigeon Meat - 2 Birds

Wild Pigeon Meat is a great source of satisfying protein, which helps your body repair cells and make new ones. One breast per person is enough for a starter, and two make a reasonable main course.

Wild Pigeon meat is delicious and a rich source of beneficial minerals, particularly iron. This crucial mineral is essential for energy production and a robust immune system. We take great care in our preparation, but to ensure your safety, please chew gingerly at first: occasionally, a tiny pellet of lead shot may be buried in the meat.

Wild Pigeon Meat is deep red and has a great depth of flavor too. It's wonderful to serve with sauce or in pies and has a rich taste that's great on a cold winter's day. As with many wild species, pigeons should be eaten pink to enjoy the fullest flavor.

But fear not; you don't need to be a culinary expert to prepare Wild Pigeon. With a quick sear (just a minute on each side) and a brief rest, you'll have a soft, succulent boned breast with the fine grain of a prime steak. Thanks to the diverse diet of our wild pigeons (seeds, acorns, buds, berries, green crops), it boasts a complex, earthy, woodland taste.

The legs, cooked for 2-3 hours at a low temperature under a layer of olive oil or duck fat, make a deeply flavorsome confit that falls obligingly off the bone. The boned carcass, of course, makes fantastic stock.

Looking for Wild Pigeon Meat, Buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Purchase Wild Pigeon Meat, where can I buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Wild Pigeon Meat recipe, Wild Pigeon Meat recipes, Wild Pigeon Meat price, Wild Pigeon Meat near me, Wild Pigeon Meat in Florida, Wild Pigeon Meat in California?

Our Price: $49.99
Wild Pigeon Meat - 6 Dressed Birds Wild Pigeon Meat - 6 Dressed Birds

Wild Pigeon Meat is a great source of satisfying protein, which helps your body repair cells and make new ones. One breast per person is enough for a starter, and two make a reasonable main course.

Wild Pigeon meat is delicious and a rich source of beneficial minerals, particularly iron. This crucial mineral is essential for energy production and a robust immune system. We take great care in our preparation, but to ensure your safety, please chew gingerly at first: occasionally, a tiny pellet of lead shot may be buried in the meat.

Wild Pigeon Meat is deep red and has a great depth of flavor too. It's wonderful to serve with sauce or in pies and has a rich taste that's great on a cold winter's day. As with many wild species, pigeons should be eaten pink to enjoy the fullest flavor.

But fear not; you don't need to be a culinary expert to prepare Wild Pigeon. With a quick sear (just a minute on each side) and a brief rest, you'll have a soft, succulent boned breast with the fine grain of a prime steak. Thanks to the diverse diet of our wild pigeons (seeds, acorns, buds, berries, green crops), it boasts a complex, earthy, woodland taste.

The legs, cooked for 2-3 hours at a low temperature under a layer of olive oil or duck fat, make a deeply flavorsome confit that falls obligingly off the bone. The boned carcass, of course, makes fantastic stock.

Looking for Wild Pigeon Meat, Buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Purchase Wild Pigeon Meat, where can I buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Wild Pigeon Meat recipe, Wild Pigeon Meat recipes, Wild Pigeon Meat price, Wild Pigeon Meat near me, Wild Pigeon Meat in Florida, Wild Pigeon Meat in California?

Our Price: $149.99
Wild Pigeon Meat is a great source of satisfying protein, which helps your body repair cells and make new ones. One breast per person is enough for a starter, and two make a reasonable main course. Yes, our Wild Pigeons are BIG. Wild Pigeon Meat - 12 Birds

Wild Pigeon Meat is a great source of satisfying protein, which helps your body repair cells and make new ones. One breast per person is enough for a starter, and two make a reasonable main course.

Wild Pigeon meat is delicious and a rich source of beneficial minerals, particularly iron. This crucial mineral is essential for energy production and a robust immune system. We take great care in our preparation, but to ensure your safety, please chew gingerly at first: occasionally, a tiny pellet of lead shot may be buried in the meat.

Wild Pigeon Meat is deep red and has a great depth of flavor too. It's wonderful to serve with sauce or in pies and has a rich taste that's great on a cold winter's day. As with many wild species, pigeons should be eaten pink to enjoy the fullest flavor.

But fear not; you don't need to be a culinary expert to prepare Wild Pigeon. With a quick sear (just a minute on each side) and a brief rest, you'll have a soft, succulent boned breast with the fine grain of a prime steak. Thanks to the diverse diet of our wild pigeons (seeds, acorns, buds, berries, green crops), it boasts a complex, earthy, woodland taste.

The legs, cooked for 2-3 hours at a low temperature under a layer of olive oil or duck fat, make a deeply flavorsome confit that falls obligingly off the bone. The boned carcass, of course, makes fantastic stock.

Looking for Wild Pigeon Meat, Buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Purchase Wild Pigeon Meat, Where can I buy Wild Pigeon Meat, Wild Pigeon Meat recipe, Wild Pigeon Meat recipes, Wild Pigeon Meat price, Wild Pigeon Meat near me, Wild Pigeon Meat in Florida, Wild Pigeon Meat in California?

Our Price: $299.99